Monday, July 14, 2008

this is a typical japanese story , a normal old lady who leads her life wonderfully although she is poor.i just love japanese story because it always encourages and motivates us to stand at the front line to admit and to solve the problem(so unlike the korean drama which always creates problem out of no-problem).The ah ma(grandma) in the story still faces her everyday with a big smile and her unique humour and the author of the story is her grandson -shidama yoshichi .this is a real story which happened 40 years ago but you mite notice that i dont's use past tenses because her spirit of trying to colour her grandson's life has touched the deepest part of my soul and it cant be a 'past'.
charles dickens started 'a tale of two cities'with such a sentence--it was the best of time,it was the worst of time but the ah ma teaches me to look the life in other way round-it was the worst of time ,it was the best of time.


*jeSSicA* said...

i thought u wrote:
charles dickens started 'a tale of two cities'with such a sentence--it was the best of time,it was the worst of time but the ah ma....

and then i re-read again, and realised that 'the ah ma...' was the start of another sentence. haha.

and oh oh u were right in saying japanese stories are encouraging whereas korean drama are problem-creating type =P

Anonymous said...

ahhah,i realise what u said but i was too lazy to edit it bcuz i only realise it after i upload the post,hahah