Sunday, October 19, 2008

what did the two crazy girls did last nite?to be more precisely,this morning.

i was chatting with lily and chui king at about 4.30 am and sudddenly i came out with the idea that i wanted to eat dim sum as my breakfast.and guess what?yes,u get it right.we went actually.i meant christine and chui king.i don't mind to have a traditional english breakfast with lily if i have a flight of my own .i wonder how long will it take for me to fly to manchester.LOL.lily,may be you can consider to buy one for me?=)

so,back to the story,we went down and wait for each other at 7am and after 4 rounds of jog in the park nearby (the last time i jog in the morning was years ago,one or 2 weeks before my spm exam,this reminded me of my dear friend thomas who is now studying medicine in china,hey dear ,i miss you) ,the cephalic process took a better of us and we went off to sri petaling to have my one- night- waited dim sum.ymmy>.<

how did we get out butts there?simple,our bus number eleven (i hope you get it) function perfectly.nothing much to complain about the breakfast althought it is a bit too pricey .having a nice talk with a good friend and some harmless gossip in between are good enough to make my day .im just so simple.

too much words and no piture is just not my style .so,here they are.


Anonymous said...

haha..i think we shud do it more that we can study so energetic after knowing gonna go eat dimsum..whahahah

Anonymous said...

exactly,study fast and can stay up late,yeah,lets try but canot eat so much oledy,haha

*jeSSicA* said...

christine, i also wanna eat dim sum....

*jeSSicA* said...

and btw, now only i know lily was ur cg member...such a small world!!