Tuesday, August 5, 2008

im really running out of time,sitting in front of the computer and the stress just creeps in suddenly and i finally realise that did not manage to get A in the EOS2 does not help to reduce my pre-exam tension and i know it is too late to regret now

i know no one believe that i havent started anything at all but it is truth

the problem is how am i going to finish the 2 system,about 70 plus notes in 2 weeks time?i will be happy enough if i able to finish one round of every note

this is not the foundation and the things like study half of the notes but still manage to pass the eos2 will no longer happen because the system course doesnt seem to be as easy as what i hope and the senile me have the serious problem in concentrating myself when it comes to study

i need help

no matter what,i swear i must finish 10 notes per day,im not joking and i know can do it if i able to focus .